sveiki, susidomejau Betfair lazybu kontora, taciau niekaip nerandu, kaip pastatyti ant baigties 1X arba X2. baisu pasirodyti kvailiu, nes atrodo klausimas gana paprastas, taciau niekaip nerandu sios baigties, o kad tokios pasiulos tiesiog nera patiketi sunku. jeigu kas turejo reikalu su sia bendrove, prasau padeti =)
jei neklystu ten reikia mygti 'lay' ant tos komandos, kuri tavo nuomone pralaimes/sulygiuos. neesu tuo uztikrintas, pataisykit kas, jei klystu
Jei dar vis del to nesuprantama, tai paaiskinsiu tarkim realu iviki. Kadangi pats statai uz futbola, tai ir nurodysiu is jo su dabar esamais kof.
Tarkim siandien vyksiancios futbolo rungtynes Bolton - Birmingham.
Tu manai, kad Bolton laimes. Statai uz BACK su 2.18 kof.
Tu manai, kad Bolton nelaimes (t.y bus X2). Spaudi LAY (kof 2.2) ir ivedi suma kuria nori statyti. Kaireje prie komandu atsiranda tavo galimi laimejimai ir viska suprasi. Tarkim manydamas, kad Bolton nelaimes, siulai statyti 100 euru, tai jei Bolton laimes, tu ismokesi 120, o jei Bolton pralaimes arba bus lygu, laimesi 100. Suprantama kad saskaitoje turi tureti tiek pinigu, kad galetum ismoketi laimejima.
Tu gali prasyti didesnio kof (baltuose langeliuose uz LAY yra zmones, kurie nori didesnio kof). Tarkim jei manai, kad Bolton laimes, bet sutiktum uz juos statyti tik su 2.22 kof, tada spaudi ant BACK, nustatai kof 2.22 ir ivedi suma, tada atsidursi eileje ir lauksi kol tau kazkas duos statyti su tokiu.
Atrodo issamiai ir suprantamai paaiskinau. Jei turesi dar klausimu del kazko konkreciai, klausk.
mano darbo metodika, vien tik tenisas ir siuo metu vien tik live, isankstiniems statymamas beabejo pinnacle naudojamas.
Persimeciau pradziai kelis eurus i betfair isbandyti, pratestuoti kol issiaiskinsiu kaip ten viska veikia, dirba, bet kol kas pirmom dienom sunkiai einasi prisitaikyti ,suprasti ju veikimo pricipa, cia sioj temoj palyginus aiskiai buvo aprasyta, bet kaip pats pabandziau realiai, atsirado nesusipratimu.
Gal kas irgi panasiai dirba tenai su tenisu,gal paaiskins kas nors jei nesunku ?
11:11 22268075320 2012-09-22
11:07 The Final Hsieh v Robson / Set 02 Winner
Comm Charged 5.02% On Net winnings of EUR13.95 - - - (0.70) 55.83
11:11 22267922524 2012-09-22
11:00 The Final Hsieh v Robson / Set 02 Winner / Laura Robson
Back 4.00 8.65 Won 25.95 56.53
11:11 22268075320 2012-09-22
11:07 The Final Hsieh v Robson / Set 02 Winner / Su Wei Hsieh
Back 2.80 12.00 Lost (12.00) 30.58
staciau ant l robson 10 eur, bet kaip matote, pasirodo prieme tik 8,65eur, nors iskart nuo saskaitos nuskaite 10 eur,galvojau, kad 10pastates, paskui norejau uzsidaryt ant Su Wei Hsieh 2,8 kof staciau 12eur, tai galvojau, kad neprieme,nes nuo saskaitos nenuskaite iskart, maniau, kad nespejau pastatyti,o pasibaigus ivykiui jau rodo, kad priimta buvo, tai kaip cia supras, kaip man zinot, kiek ir kada leido pastatyti ar neleido? cia statymai buvo vien tik ant BACK, dar su LAY nebandziau 😁
cia su tais viskas aisku, bet va toliau :
How Do I Complete The Identity Verification Process (KYC)?
To complete this process you can choose either of two methods:
Hard Copy Document check
Please see the information below for more details:
Hard Copy Document Procedure:
When it is deemed that other methods are unsuitable, we will ask that you send us a photocopy or scan of one document from each of the categories listed below:
Personal Identification - one photo ID from the following list:
Driving licence
National Identification card (photographic)
Citizenship certificate
Address Verification - one of the following:
Utility Bill (less than 3 months old)
Tax Bill
Copy of Bank Statement - (less than 3 months old)
Source of Payment Verification - one of the following:
Betfair account registered Credit or Debit card (front only). For Security Compliance you must blank out all card number digits except for the last four.
Copy of Credit or Debit card account statement of a card registered on your Betfair account (less than 3 months old) For Security Compliance you must blank out all card number digits except for the last four.
Copy of bank statement - must have Betfair transaction or card number visible on it (less than 3 months old)
Please note:
All documents must be certified as true copies of the originals by a professionally qualified community figure.
Documents can be certified by any professionally qualified person or equivalent such as:
A lawyer / solicitor
An accountant / bank manager
A town clerk or civil servant (including police, fire or military officers)
A doctor / dentist / pharmacist
A teacher or professor
Each document must be signed individually by this certifier, who must put their name, signature and rank/title. They must certify that the document that they have seen is the original.
Please DO NOT send in original documents to be certified by the Betfair Staff.
Should you wish to avoid this and you live in the UK or Australia, the Post Office will accept and certify your documents and send their details to Betfair. This will enable you to be certified without having to send us the copied documents yourself, full details of this service can be found on our help pages.
Please be aware:
The documents must be clear and legible and have all your usernames or telephone account ID on all documents. If this is not the case processing time may be longer and may result in temporary account suspension.
Use the highest resolution available on your fax machine (recommended resolution supported by most machines: 'Photo').
Please send scans in JPEG or GIF file formats only with a maximum size of 10MB per page.
For Security Compliance you must blank out all digits except for the last four of the account and card numbers, leaving the start and expiry date visible.
Please send documents that state your residential address. Regrettably, documents addressed to a PO Box number are unacceptable for validation.
va cia kiek reikalu, tai del to ir klausiu ,kaip paprasciau viska susitvarkyti ?
hmm.. biski grybauja jie.. tokiu sudu praso.. man tai nieko neprase,bet as kuriau senai ta account'a pora metu atgal gal.. daba pameginau pasijungti tai viskas tebeveikia.. seip tai nezinau skambink ar rasyk i supporta.. arba nusiusk kokiam draugui tas kopijas kuris gyvena Uk tai ir sutvarkys per pasta.
viso to esme sutvarkymo per pasta - kad pastininkas priimdamas is tave visas kopijas pats patvirtina tavo asmenybe, adresa. o gal tu galvojai, kad jei treciasis asmuo per uk pasta issius tai jau reiskiasi, kad tu sugebejai savo lietuviska asmenybe/adresa pasitvirtinti ?
1 000 eur galite atgaut lošdami lažybų biržoje pas juos, o visos taisyklės
o ko grynai taves praso gali parasyti?" target="_blank cia raso viska.. o seip tai rasyk i [email protected].[/quote
cia su tais viskas aisku, bet va toliau :
How Do I Complete The Identity Verification Process (KYC)?
To complete this process you can choose either of two methods:
Hard Copy Document check
Please see the information below for more details:
Hard Copy Document Procedure:
When it is deemed that other methods are unsuitable, we will ask that you send us a photocopy or scan of one document from each of the categories listed below:
Personal Identification - one photo ID from the following list:
Driving licence
National Identification card (photographic)
Citizenship certificate
Address Verification - one of the following:
Utility Bill (less than 3 months old)
Tax Bill
Copy of Bank Statement - (less than 3 months old)
Source of Payment Verification - one of the following:
Betfair account registered Credit or Debit card (front only). For Security Compliance you must blank out all card number digits except for the last four.
Copy of Credit or Debit card account statement of a card registered on your Betfair account (less than 3 months old) For Security Compliance you must blank out all card number digits except for the last four.
Copy of bank statement - must have Betfair transaction or card number visible on it (less than 3 months old)
Please note:
All documents must be certified as true copies of the originals by a professionally qualified community figure.
Documents can be certified by any professionally qualified person or equivalent such as:
A lawyer / solicitor
An accountant / bank manager
A town clerk or civil servant (including police, fire or military officers)
A doctor / dentist / pharmacist
A teacher or professor
Each document must be signed individually by this certifier, who must put their name, signature and rank/title. They must certify that the document that they have seen is the original.
Please DO NOT send in original documents to be certified by the Betfair Staff.
Should you wish to avoid this and you live in the UK or Australia, the Post Office will accept and certify your documents and send their details to Betfair. This will enable you to be certified without having to send us the copied documents yourself, full details of this service can be found on our help pages.
Please be aware:
The documents must be clear and legible and have all your usernames or telephone account ID on all documents. If this is not the case processing time may be longer and may result in temporary account suspension.
Use the highest resolution available on your fax machine (recommended resolution supported by most machines: 'Photo').
Please send scans in JPEG or GIF file formats only with a maximum size of 10MB per page.
For Security Compliance you must blank out all digits except for the last four of the account and card numbers, leaving the start and expiry date visible.
Please send documents that state your residential address. Regrettably, documents addressed to a PO Box number are unacceptable for validation.
va cia kiek reikalu, tai del to ir klausiu ,kaip paprasciau viska susitvarkyti ?
Gal kas paskutiniu metu tvirtinot tapatybe? Cia is tikruju reikia tu advokatu parasu, antspaudu ir t.t. Ir pvz, kaip man patvirtinti adresa, jei as esu studentas ir jokiu saskaitu savo vardu negaunu. O be to cia raso kad banko israsa, su betfair transakcija. ( bet as per skrill depositinau, tai is banko tokio ir netureciau).
Tai konkreciai kaip man ta adresa reiktu patvirtinti ir ar is tikro cia taip grieztai?
Jeigu nezadi australijos ir n.zelandijos lygose statyti tu papildomu sudetingesniu patvirtinimu tau neprireiks.Pradziai uztenka ikelti savo ID,jei paprasys veliau skrill ar adreso patvirtinima ji galesi gauti issiemes banko israsa arba banko sutarties kopija.
aciu. nuraminai.
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