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Visi klausimai apie lažybų bendrovę Bet-at-home šioje temoje (premijos, bonusai, klaidos, klausimai/atsakymai, pagalba).

Plačiau apie Bet-at-home.
Registruotis ir gauti premiją galite spausdami čia.
Bet-at-home statymai
Bet-at-home sąskaitos papildymas su Skrill (buvę Moneybookers)

Viskas bus gerai! Telegram ->
Registravosi: 2011/03/27 Žinučių: 7346 Padėkų: 24 Tel.: LT
Magico Rašė:

kokios bonuso salygos bet at home?

Jeigu jau labai susidomejai, nemanau, kad sunku atsidaryt ju puslapi ir paziuret.. Bet jei taip, tai:

The bonus offer will run from June 1st until June 13th, 2012 (12:00 GMT+2) and applies to new and existing customers of As a basis for determining the bonus amount, the value of all deposits that were made within the promotional period until the bonus code is redeemed will be used. The receipt of payment is decisive with bank transfers.
The bonus code is "EUR12" and must be redeemed until June 13th 2012 (12:00 GMT+2) in the menu "Deposit/withdrawal/Redeem bonus". Failing to do so, the customer will no longer be entitled to claim the bonus.
The maximum bonus that can be claimed is 200 Euros. Customers who deposit more than 400 Euros may only claim the maximum amount of 200 Euros.
If at the opening of a betting account the Euro was not selected as the base currency then the following maximum bonus amounts apply: 150 GBP, 250 CHF, 250 USD, 1,500 DKK, 800 PLN, 5,000 CZK, 400 YTL, 400 BGN, 8,000 RUB, 900 RON, 2,000 SEK.
Prior to making a withdrawal, the deposit and bonus must be rolled over four times (4x), with minimum odds of 1.70 (for both single and combi-bets) within 90 days. Customers who have paid more than 400 Euros must wager the total amount of 2,400 Euros.
The bonus will only be granted if no withdrawal was initiated during the bonus period.
If you participate in the bonus offer, no withdrawal is possible during the promotional period (June 1st to 13th, 2012, 12:00 GMT+2).
The bonus applies only to sports betting. Other products from are excluded from this offer.
The bonus is only valid for a maximum of one account per person, family, household or computer. On suspicion of abuse via multiple registrations (fictitious accounts, game communities), or "balance betting", reserves the right to cancel the bonus and the resulting profits.
Customers from the USA, France, Israel, Belarus, Serbia, Ukraine, Spain, Italy and Turkey cannot participate in this promotion.
Upon receipt of the bonus the player accepts the bonus terms and conditions and the terms and conditions of, which are published on reserves the right to change or terminate this offer at any time at its sole discretion.
Viskas bus gerai! Telegram ->
Registravosi: 2011/03/27 Žinučių: 7346 Padėkų: 24 Tel.: LT
Gal kokiems naujokams pravers 😁

Bet-at-home 50% up to 200 euros: Get the bonus now!

The crucial phase of the Champions League is in motion, and it's already 1:0 for you. But keep in mind: When you top up your betting account now, there's a 50% bonus from bet-at-home of up to 200 euros free!

It's easy to get the bonus:

Log in to bet-at-home and top up your betting account.
Go to "Deposit/withdrawal" and click on "Redeem bonus".
Enter the bonus code below and that's it!

Once this is done an additional 50% of the deposited amount will be credited into your betting account. Your bonus will be ACTIVE IMMEDIATELY!

The bonus code is: CLB13

Do you have any questions or need assistance?
Send an e-mail to [email protected] or contact us faster via live chat. We'll help you immediately.

Bonus Conditions:
Date of publication: 2013.03.27
>>> Expiry date of offer: 2013.04.12
Viskas bus gerai! Telegram ->
Registravosi: 2011/03/27 Žinučių: 7346 Padėkų: 24 Tel.: LT
Tai kaip suprantu jei atsidarau cia saskaita ir persivedu i ja 100 euru tada papildomai dar gaunu is ju 50 euru. o kas tada? ka reikia padaryt, kad galeciau juos isigryninti? (su anglu ne stebuklai)
Registravosi: 2012/12/04 Žinučių: 173
Jei depositinsi 100 euru, tai reikes prasukt 600 euru. T.y 4 kartus deposita + bonusa su minimum 1.7 koeficientu.
Registravosi: 2007/06/26 Žinučių: 128
Drapokas Rašė:

tai kaip suprantu jei atsidarau cia saskaita ir persivedu i ja 100 euru tada papildomai dar gaunu is ju 50 euru. o kas tada? ka reikia padaryt, kad galeciau juos isigryninti? (su anglu ne stebuklai)

Cia zinok yra vienas kabliukas, kitaip tariant vienas `bet`.. Kai padepozitinsi pasakysiu kause
Registravosi: 2011/11/19 Žinučių: 262 Tel.: LT
Taip ir galvojau, kad cia ne viskas taip grazu kaip atrodo, dekui uz perspejima
Registravosi: 2012/12/04 Žinučių: 173
juodukas Rašė:

Jei depositinsi 100 euru, tai reikes prasukt 600 euru. T.y 4 kartus deposita + bonusa su minimum 1.7 koeficientu.

Prior to making a withdrawal, the deposit and bonus must be rolled over four times (4x), with a minimum odds of 2.00 (for both single and combi-bets) within 180 days. Customers who have deposited more than 400 EUR must wager the total amount of 2,400 EUR.
Registravosi: 2012/06/02 Žinučių: 46
Gal pravers tiem kas negyvena lietuvoje pasiimt nemažą bonusą lažybose, tai įmetu šį siūlymą

Secure a 200 euro sports bonus now!

This will be your season because for the start of the German Bundesliga we're giving all customers a sports bonus of up to 200 euros!

1. Top up your bet-at-home betting account.
2. Click on "Redeem bonus" in account management.
3. Enter the bonus code BET13 – done!
4. After that 50% of the paid amount (up to a maximum of 200 EUR) will be credited to your betting account.
Viskas bus gerai! Telegram ->
Registravosi: 2011/03/27 Žinučių: 7346 Padėkų: 24 Tel.: LT
Vo super pasiūlymas, užsiregistruokite per šią bet-at-home nuorodą ir turėkite galimybę laimėti 50 eur tiesiog už registraciją.

Sąlygos (jei kas nesupranta, išverst galėsim 😁 )
The "winner of the day" is selected at random once a day from all registered customers of bet-at-home.
If the selected player logs into their account on the same day before 11.59pm (CET), their betting account will be credited with the current winning amount.
If the customer does not log in, the current money in the jackpot and the winning amount (+50 euros) will be rolled over to the next day.
Once the "Winner of the day" logs in to their account, they will automatically receive a message stating that they are the winner.
Open bet-at-home site.

Žodžiu tą dieną kai registravotės nepamirškite vakare prisijungt pasitikrint ar nelaimėjote, nes nemažai žiūriu persikėlė žmonėms ir kai kurie ne 50eur laimėjo, o netgi 900 eur, nes kiti prieš tai nespėdavo prisijungt.

Atidaryti bet-at-home
Viskas bus gerai! Telegram ->
Registravosi: 2011/03/27 Žinučių: 7346 Padėkų: 24 Tel.: LT
Šiandien lenkas laimėjo (kažkaip įtartinau daug ten jų traukia - matyt registrojas daug), bet jei neatsiims ryt gera proga 300eur gaut už bet-at-home registracija
02.03.2014 Aleksander D. (13***624) not redeemed 250.00 EUR
Viskas bus gerai! Telegram ->
Registravosi: 2011/03/27 Žinučių: 7346 Padėkų: 24 Tel.: LT
05.03.2014 Dariusz K. (13***859) not redeemed 400.00 EUR
vėl lenką ištraukė ir kol kas neatsiima jau gerokai padidėjusio prizo... negi ten jie nemato tos skilties 'dienos laimėtojas' ;/
Registruokite bet-at-home ir gal burtai ištrauks jus
Viskas bus gerai! Telegram ->
Registravosi: 2011/03/27 Žinučių: 7346 Padėkų: 24 Tel.: LT
Tik nesugalvokit cia pinigus merkt i situ sarlatanu kontora, kofai maziausi kokie gali but, pasirinkimu ner, su ismokom problemos, loterijoj laimet ner sansu.
Registravosi: 2011/05/12 Žinučių: 579 Padėkų: 5
Viską legaliai darei ar kaip dauguma lietuvių belenkaip ant belenko?
Loterijoje niekur nėra šansų, ar unibet'e ar tie patys šunys tas pats š.
Išmokos po id foto nusiuntimo viskas gerai, nors pradžioje irgi stabdė, bet kai patvirtino jau nebuvo jokių minusų dėl išsigryninimo.
Viskas bus gerai! Telegram ->
Registravosi: 2011/03/27 Žinučių: 7346 Padėkų: 24 Tel.: LT
As esu isbandes turbut daugiau nei du trecdalius visu lazybu bendroviu ir sita paliko labai slogu ispudi. Bandziau dar tais laikais kai duodavo jie bonusus lietuviams tai patikek, kad ta bonuso isgrynint buvo sunku, o kad ji atsiimt buvo dar sunkiau. Pas mane visi dokai yra tvarkingi ir as niekad nieko nedarau belenkaip, nes as rizikuoju savo pinigais.
Is savo patirties galiu pasakyt, kad tik 4 bendroves yra vertos demesio tai pinnacle, betfair is lietuvisku tonybet ir live bet365.
Registravosi: 2011/05/12 Žinučių: 579 Padėkų: 5
Šitą užskaitau 😁)) bl žmonės būtinus vaistus dažniau pamiršta išgert, nei kad statyt 6 metus kasdien bent minimaliai 😁


On Saturday, March 1st, 2008 the bet-cup competition began! Since then all of the participants have only one goal in sight and that is to win a brand new Porsche 911, valued at €100,000. The one who lasts the longest and places a bet everyday will receive this legendary sports car. Whoever does not place their daily bet will be automatically disqualified from the competition. Don’t give up, if you never want to take the bus again!
Currently 115 bet-cup participants still in the race
As of: 08.03.2014

Viskas bus gerai! Telegram ->
Registravosi: 2011/03/27 Žinučių: 7346 Padėkų: 24 Tel.: LT
Už bet-at-home registraciją tiek duoda, tai bandyt ir bandyt loteriją gal ištrauks ir kaip jie neatsiima..

25.03.2014 Andelka C. (14***722) not redeemed 1400.00 EUR
Viskas bus gerai! Telegram ->
Registravosi: 2011/03/27 Žinučių: 7346 Padėkų: 24 Tel.: LT
unik Rašė:

už bet-at-home registraciją tiek duoda, tai bandyt ir bandyt loteriją gal ištrauks ir kaip jie neatsiima..

25.03.2014 Andelka C. (14***722) not redeemed 1400.00 EUR

Siandien laimetoja jau istrauke. O tai jeigu as dabar uzsireginciau, tai jau jokiu sansu laimeti, ar rytojaus traukime buciau?
Registravosi: 2013/02/14 Žinučių: 304 Padėkų: 444 Tel.: LT
Visas šios dienos registracijas ištrauks burtus maždaug 1 val. nakties, nuo tada ir reikia prisilogint per parą laiko, kad gauti prizą.
Viskas bus gerai! Telegram ->
Registravosi: 2011/03/27 Žinučių: 7346 Padėkų: 24 Tel.: LT
Su tais registracijos prizais man primena marketinginius triukus,kai prizas kaip Aukso puodas vis auga, o laiminciu neatsiranda(netikiu, kad tiek dienu niekas neatsilieptu) O kaipgi daugiau pritraukti losejus, kai kofai tokie juokingi 😁
Registravosi: 2012/09/01 Žinučių: 79 Tel.: LT